Our industry-leading Nitric Oxide (NO) products are based on clinically backed ingredients and formulations that support maximum results, as demonstrated by patient outcomes. From improving blood pressure and gut health, to countering sexual dysfunction and cognitive decline, the impacts of NO are powerful.

Berkeley Life is committed to ongoing research of Nitric Oxide, as exhibited by our partnerships and continued investment in clinical trials. Stay tuned for more updates on emerging updates on the Berkeley Life formula and Nitric Oxide research.

Nitric Oxide and Healthy Blood Pressure

In partnership with Dr. Matthew Budoff of Harbor UCLA Medical Center, a 66-person, clinical blood pressure trial (double-blind, placebo-controlled) studied Berkeley Life’s Nitric Oxide support product and showed it has a significant ability to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after six weeks. These results were published the Journal of Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. Click the link to view the full article.

Ready to Say Yes to NO?

Integrate Berkeley Life Nitric Oxide products and start building your foundation of total health.